Keeping up to date with Mortgage Trends: the importance of the 2014 CAAMP Mortgage Conference

CAAMP conference in Montreal 2014 with Best Mortgage Montreal

Four of the most important qualities to look for in your mortgage broker are that they:

  1. Keep themselves informed of the most up-to-date deals and rates in the mortgage industry;
  2. Develop a widespread network of bankers, credit unions, trust funds, private investors and other sources of mortgage funding to offer to their clients;
  3. Follow the trends and forecasts of developments in the Canadian and international economy;
  4. Keep abreast of new Canadian mortgage and lending rules and legislation so that they can offer their clients sound and accurate information and advice.

For all these reasons and more, the recent annual Mortgage Conference organized by the Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals (CAAMP) proved to be very popular among those of us involved in the mortgage industry.

This year’s CAAMP Conference was held in Montreal in late November and was attended by mortgage brokers, agents, lenders, institutions and other serious accredited professionals who welcomed the opportunity to get together to exchange views and ideas about a range of topics related to their work.

To give you an idea of just how state of the art and cutting edge the CAAMP conference is, this year’s invited speakers included:

- Anchor and Co-Host for BNN and Former VP at Deutsche Bank, Catherine Murray;

- the “Dragon” on CBC’s Dragons’ Den and CEO of Venture Communications, Arlene Dickinson;

- Bestselling Author, Television Host, Technology Expert and Digital Marketer, Amber Mac;

- One of TIME's 100 Most Influential People, Member of the Order of Canada, and Author of Five New York Times Bestsellers, Malcolm Gladwell.

The 2014 CAAMP conference focused on how changes in Canada’s economic regulatory conditions are impacting the mortgage and lending industry, focusing on trends and forecasting how the changes will affect the way we negotiate mortgages in the future.

It also discussed the importance of positively embracing these changes, challenges and opportunities and making the most of current historically low interest rates in order to further adjust to the new realities of this post-financial crisis era.

This, in fact, was the theme of Malcolm Gladwell’s hilarious and very informative talk which was based on his latest book, David and Goliath, in which he takes a look at how we think about advantages and disadvantages, argues that adversity has its own inherent value and that privilege is often over-valued – a fitting theme in this post-financial crisis era, don’t you think?

But behind the organized roundtable and speeches, perhaps the most important function of the CAAMP Montreal Mortgage Conference was that it offered serious mortgage professionals a chance to network and make new contacts that may lead to further mutual business in the future.

This is why our brokers and agents from Best Mortgage Montreal went along – in order to further expand our portfolio of more than 200 lenders including bankers, trust funds, credit unions, private and other sources of mortgage funding.

Of particular interest to our Best Mortgage Montreal brokerage team was the fascinating discussion on how private investors and lenders are becoming an expanding source of funding in the mortgage loan market.

This will be of special interest to our clients with bad credit or who have experienced bankruptcy, who may in the past have experienced difficulty being approved by traditional mortgage lenders such as banks, credit unions, etc.

These types of mortgage seekers are particularly welcomed by Best Mortgage Montreal as we realize that many people were unwittingly swept along in the flurry of the economic crisis and that everyone deserves a second opportunity to get back on their feet.

New private opportunities for mortgage lending will also be welcomed by our clients looking to consolidate debt, negotiate second mortgages, take out a line of credit, pay school fees, or for any other reason that you may need an injection of capital to keep your life on track.

If you would like to find out all the most up-to-date information in Quebec’s mortgage market then contact Best Mortgage Montreal and ask to talk free-of-charge to one of our brokers.

We are all serious professionals who know how to take your personal financial situation as a starting point to set up a mortgage that will work within your lifestyle and with monthly payments that you can comfortably make.

Call us today:

1 (855) 777 1711

1 (514) 994-1030

1 (514) 819-9181



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